Tuesday, 9 August 2016

How to burn MP3 music files and folders into CD

You must have been wondering how they burn mp3 into CD disc or probably want to burn your favorite song or that important video you recorded to a disc, in this post I'm going to show you how to burn mp3 music file or folder to CD. 

First of all, a CD which is known as compact disc is a small plastic that  is use for recording, storing, and playing back audio, video using reflected laser light.

You can burn mp3 files or folders into this small plastic ,though the numbers of song you can burn into it depends on the file size of the song and the file capacity of the CD. 

There are many ways you can burn MP3 files or folders into a CD, either using the windows or some available MP3 app bunner out there. 
Below are the ways you can burn MP3 files or folders to CD. 

Burn MP3 files or folders to CD using windows.

In other to make your work easy, you need to first of all, organise your music by moving them into a folder before starting the burning process. 

1.Insert an empty disc into the CD/DVD drive of your computer.

2. Open the folder where you have all your songs.

3.select all the songs or any particular song you want to burn and choose send to and select DVD RW drive. 

4. Disc title will appear, then choose With a CD/DVD Player and click next,all files will be copied to your CD/DVD burnner.

5. When you're done copying the MP3 files, go to DVD RW Drive (D:) and open it. 

6.you will see all your MP3 files ready to be burn into the disc. 

7. Move your cursor to the left-top of the window and click on manage.

8. Then click on finish burning to start the process. 

Burn MP3 Music files and folders to CD with CDburnerXP

CDburner XP is a free application that allows you to burn CDs, DVDs ,Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs.
You can use it to burn your mp3 files or folders into a CD by following these steps 

Download the CDburnerXP HERE

1. Insert an empty disc into the cd/dvd drive of your computer.

2. Launch the CDburnerXP app.

3. Select data disc and click ok.

4. At the top of  cdburnerxp ,locate the folder where your song is. 

5. Click and drag the song you want to burn to the right-bottom of the cdburnerxp ,you will see the size of the disc and how many music you can drag in to burn. 

6.when you're through with adding the songs, click on burn to begin the process. 

Also read 

Burn MP3 music files and folders to CD with ImgBurn.

Imgburn is another burnning app  that allows you to burn audio ,video ,CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs.

Download imgburn HERE
1.Insert an empty disc into the cd/dvd drive of your computer.

2. Launch imgBurn.

3. Click on write files to disc.

4. Click on browse for a file to select songs and select the tracks and click on open.

5. When you're through with adding songs,at the bottom click on Build button to start the burning process. 

Burn MP3 Music files and folders to CD with Ashampoo Burning Studio.

This is another burning program that allows you to brurn audio, video into disc. 

Download Ashampoo burning studio HERE
1. Insert an empty disc into your computer cd/dvd drive.

2.launch Ashampoo Burning Studio free.

3. Click on music and select "Create MP3 or WMA Disc".

4.choose mp3 as output format 

5. Choose 192 kBit/s as bitrate, and make sure you don't go below that bitrate. 

6. Check on normalize to make volume of all tracks on CD equal. Then click on Next. 

7. Click on the "add" button at the right-top of the Ashampoo app and select the songs you want to burn and click on Add

8. When you're through with adding the songs, click on next at the bottom ,then click "Write" to start the burning process.

Burn MP3 Music files and  folders to CD with PowerIso.

Poweriso is a burning program use to burn MP3 files into CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray disc. 

Download powerIso HERE

1. Insert a blank disc into the cd/drive of your computer.

2. Open the powerIso 

3. click on files at the left-top of the app then click on new and select data CD/DVD from the drop down menu.
4. Click on the add button,this will take you to the folders where your music are stored .

5. Select the folder where your music are stored and click on the add button.

6. When you're through with adding the songs,at the top click on Burn .

7.choose the drive where the empty disc is.

8. Select the burning speed and click on burn again to start the burning process. 

