9mobileNg have just release their official data plans that supports all device type ranging from Android, IOs, PC and modem.
This is is coming after the launching of a new brand name, and have promise the change of name or logo won't affect it service.
This post contains all the new subscription codes on 9mobile daily, weekly, monthly, hourly and night plans, read on to get the full details.
9mobile data plans for android, IOs, PC and modem
9mobile daily data plan
The 9mobile daily bundle is available in 10MB daily data plan and 100MB data plan, once activated you will be able to browse or download within 24hrs, after which it will expires.
The 10MB data bundle goes for #50 while the daily data bundle cap at 50MB goes for #100
To subscribe to the daily data bundle dail *229*3*8# or text the code MI3 to 229
9mobile weekly data plan
The weekly data plan is cap at 200MB with a validity period of 7 days, this is the only data bundle in this package and it goes for N200.
To start using the 200MB weekly data plan, simply *229*2*10# or Text LCD to 229.
9mobile monthly smartphone data plan
The monthly smartphone data plan is available in 5 packages, and are good for those who spend a lot of time online with their android smartphone or iPhone.
Below are the list of the plans, their price and subscription code.
1. Data allocation : 500MB
Validity period :30days
Price : N500
Subscription code : Dail *229*2*11# or SMS smarta to 229.
2. Data allocation: 1GB
Validity period : 30 days
Price : N1000
Subscription code : Dial *229*2*22# or SMS smartb to 229.
3. Data allocation : 2.5GB
Validity period : 30days
Price N 2,000
Subscription code : Dial *229*2*44# or SMS smartc to 229.
4. Data allocation : 5GB
Validity period : 30days
Price : N3, 500
Subscription code : Dial *229*2*33# or SMS smartd to 229.
5. Data allocation : 11.5GB
Validity period : 30days
Price: N8, 000
Subscription code : Dial *229*2*55# or SMS smarte to 229.
9mobile monthly data plan
This data bundle is made for those who don't really spend much time online, it is suitable for those who use lite browsers and rearly download.
It also comes with a 30days validity period, and works for both day and night browsing.
You can choose the one that suit your needs among the listed monthly data bundle below.
1. Data allocation : 1GB
Price : N1,000
Subscription code : Dail *229*2*7# or SMS AND1 to 229
2. Data allocation : 1.5GB
Price : N1, 200
Subscription code : Dail *229*2*25# or SMS AND11 to 229
3. Data allocation : 2.5GB
Price : N2,000
Subscription code: Dail *229*2*8# or SMS AND2 to 229
4. Data allocation : 4GB
Price : N3,000
Subscription code : Dail *229*3*35#
5. Data allocation : 5.5GB
Price :N4, 000
Subscription code: Dail *229*3*36#
6. Data allocation : 11.5GB
Price: N8, 000
Subscription code: Dail *229*2*5# or SMS MB6 to 229.
7. Data allocation: 15GB
Price :N10, 000
Subscription code : *229*4*1# or SMS SM1 to 229.
8. Data allocation : 27GB
Price : N18, 000
Subscription code : Dail *229*4*5# or SMS SM3 to 229.
9mobile weekend and Night plan
There is a night plan for those who love to browse and download at night.
Data allocation : 1GB
Validity period : 1 day
Time : 12am-5am
Price : N200
Subscription code : Dail *229*3*11#
Weekend and evening data plan
Data allocation : 1GB (weekend plan)
Price :N500
Time : Friday 11.59PM- Sunday 11.59PM
Subscription code : *5995*2#
Data allocation : 2GB
Validity period : 30days
Price :N1, 000
Time : 7PM-7AM
Weekend : The whole weekend Fri - Sun
Subscription code: Dail 229*3*12#
Data allocation : 5GB
Validity period : 30days
Price : N2, 000
Time : 7PM- 7AM
Weekend : The whole weekend Fri-Sun
Subscription code : Dail *229*3*13#
Users on this package will enjoy 100MB bonus for whatsapp data (24/7)
The above plans are suitable for heavy users who spend more time on their laptop, desktop. It can also be use in any co-operate organisation to run their Internet activities.
Also read
Quarterly data plan
Data allocation : 30GB
Price : N27, 500
Validity period : 90days
Subscription code : Dail *229*5*1# or SMS 4M to 229
Bi-annual data plan
Data allocation : 60GB
Price : N55, 000
Validity period : 120days
Subscription code : Dail *229*5*2# or SMS 6M to 229
Annual data plan
Data allocation : 120GB
Price : N110,000
Validity period : 365days
Subscription code: Dail *229*5*3# or SMS 12M to 229.
9mobile smart pak data plan
The smart pak is for users who mainly for those who want to spend time on social media to chat with friends,the package is available in VideoPak, SocialPak and Chat pack.
9mobile Video pak : You get 2hrs of uninterrupted video streaming when you subscribe to this package and it cost #400
9mobile socialpak : You get unlimited access to Facebook, Twitter, BBM, Instagram, eskimi, all instant messaging apps. The package cost N100 daily, N300 weekly and N700 monthly.
9mobile chatpak: this package gives you unlimited access to WhatsApp, Facebook Messanger, WeChat, Bbm, and it cost N50 per day, N150 per week and N400 per month.
9mobile data plan for BB10 smartphone
BB10 users are not left out of the newly introduced data bundle, below are the list of data bundle users can subscribe to.
Blackberry 10 lite with unlimited BBM
Daily: 10MB for N70
Dial *599*2*2# or SMS DLITE to 399
Weekly: 70MB for N350
Dial *599*2*1# or SMS WLITE to 399
Monthly : 260MB for N1,000
Dial *599*2# or text MLITE to 399
Blackberry 10 mid with unlimited BBM :
Daily: 15MB for N100
Dial *599*3*2#or SMS DMID to 399
Weekly: 125MB for N550
Dial *599*3*1# or SMS WMID to 399
Monthly : 500MB for N1,500
Dial *599*3# or SMS MMID to 399
Blackberry 10 max with unlimited BBM:
Daily : 50MB for N200
Dial *599*7# or SMS DMAX to 399
Weekly: 360MB for N1100
Dial *599*8# or SMS WMAX to 399
Monthly : 1536MB for N3,000
Dial *599*4# or SMS MMAX to 399
Blackberry Complete :
Monthly : #1,000
Dial *499*3# or SMS COM to 399
Weekly : #500
Dial *499*3*1# or SMS COW to 399
Daily : #100
Dial *499*3*2# or SMS COD to 399
Blackberry Absolute :
Monthly : N1,500
Dial *499*1#
Weekly : N550
Dial *499*6#
Daily : N100
Dial *499*5#
How to check 9mobile data balance
To check your data balance Dail *228#
How to cancel 9mobile auto - renewal
To cancel auto-renewal on any of the 9mobile data plans dail*229*0#.
We have taken out time to list all the 9mobile new data plan, subscription code, price and their validity period, do endeavour to hit the share button and share the post to friends.