Sunday 5 June 2016

Etisalat new data plans

Etisalat introduce another mouth watering data plans, making sure it users are online and updated. 

1.5GB | #1,000 | *229*2*7# | 30 days
3.5GB | #2,000 | *229*2*8# | 30 days
6.5GB | #3,500 | *229*2*9# | 30 days
16GB | #8,000 | *229*2*5# | 30 days
22GB | 10,000 | *229*4*1# | 30 days

NOTE : 30 DAYS validity period, auto-renewal and data rollover applies . 

Also read 

Daily. 10MB /#50 /*229*3*8# /24 hours
Daily. 50MB / #100 /*229*3*1# / 24 hours
Weekly 200MB /#200 /*229*2*10# /7days
Weekly 500MB /#500 / *229*2*12# / 30 days
Quarterly plan (30GB) / #27,500 /*229*5*1#/90 days
Biannual plan (60GB) /#55,000 /*229*5*2# /120 days
100GB Plan / #84,992 / *229*4*5# /30 days
Annual plan (120GB) / #110,000 * / 229*5*3# / 365 days
1GB (weekend plan) 500 / *5995*2# / friday 11:59pm - sunday 11:59pm

3GB /#4,000 / *229*2*44#
5GB. / #6,500 / *229*2*33#
8GB /#8,000 / *229*2*55#

NOTE : Auto-renewal and data roll over applies. 
To stop auto renewal, dial *229*0#
For more information, text HELP to 229

